Friday, April 13, 2007

Suppression of technology and the holding back of Humanity

Sixteen years before the turn of the 20th century (circa 1884), a croatian immigrant named Nikola Tesla arrived in America. A brilliant inventor and scientist, Tesla set out to pursue his dreams of developing many projects he had in his mind, most of them involving electricity. In order to make a long story short, I will move ahead to mention Tesla`s main inventions. Among his many accomplishments, Nikola Tesla is known for developing the Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, and it is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment. His alternating current induction motor is considered one of the ten greatest discoveries of all time. Tesla also discovered the fluorescent light, laser beam (including concepts for weapons), wireless communications, wireless transmission of electrical energy, remote control, robotics, and believe it or not, anti-gravity propulsion systems` concepts. He registered over 700 patents of his inventions worldwide.
Nikola Tesla, by the 1920`s, had figured out a way to provide "free energy" to the world, extracting it from the earth`s own ionosphere using a technology he invented; but little did he know that wonderful discovery was going to be the cause of his own demise. Because of the "free energy" discovery, Tesla started to be seen by many as a threat to the United States economy, especially the big corporations (e.g Westinhouse and General Eletric) that controlled the energy industry at the time, the idea of free energy was flat out frightening for these "energy lords". Many sponsors and investors started pulling money out of Tesla`s projects (e.g. the Tesla`s transmission Tower and power plant) bring them to a complete halt. Humiliated and defeated, Tesla experienced a complete nervous breakdown. "It is not a dream," he protested. "It is a simple feat of scientific electrical engineering, only expensive... blind, faint-hearted, doubting world."
Years later, a man named Otis Carr, Tesla`s protege`, picked up one of Tesla`s project and started working on some of the anti-gravity principles developed by Tesla years before. Otis begin to develop an Apparatus For Aerial Transportation. This brilliantly designed flying machine resembled both a helicopter and an airplane, but had no wings, blades nor motor. According to the inventor, the device would weigh eight-hundred pounds. It would rise from a garage, a roof, or a window as desired, and would sell at $1,000 for both military and consumer users. Otis had already built a prototype and had done some short distance flight tests, this was an anti-gravity flying machine that was able to cover considerable distances in a very short period of time. Next on Otis` mind was a trip to the moon and back, but before he could do such an experiment, the FBI went to Carr`s wharehouse and confiscated literally everything related to the flying machine project, and just like Tesla, he was informed by one of the agents that he along with his invention was a threat to the monetary system of the United States of America. It blows my mind when I think of what a power-hungry money-driven government can do to people who are just trying to use their inventions to improve mankind`s way of life.

After this long story about Nikola Tesla and Otis Carr, I finally reached the part where I can make my point. Had the United States publicly embraced Tesla`s revolutionary inventions (e.g. Free energy) we would be probably living in a totally different world today. Our environment for one would be totally unharmed and pollution free, the air we breathe would be way cleaner, we would have no wars because of oil, the vibrational frequency of the planet earth would be elevated and so would ours, enabling us to increase our consciousness levels way higher than we are today. Regular people like you and me would be able to fly in outter space, using our own flying vehicles, experiencing for ourselves the magnitude of the universe, therefore increasing our awareness of self and purpose, unleashing incredible potential for growth and evolvement. Everything in our world and in the universe, is interconnected, when you act in ways that prevent a being from evolving you are in direct violation of universal laws, and that is a crime of universal proportions. You can rest assured that sooner or later the violators of the laws of the universe will be held accountable.
(This post is dedicated to the Great Nikola Tesla, "the Genius that lit the world").


Anonymous said...

It is so true, and unfortunately it all comes down to power and money.
They know global warming is showing it's face, they talk about solutions, but are taking too long to impliment them.
And you are right, what a place this worl would be if we weren't busy destroying it.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I have no doubt that goverments have and do supress discoveries to ensure that their personal pockets remain lined.

GadgetmanPrime said...

Hello, and thank you for your efforts at uncovering what has been so well hidden.

My name is Ron Hatton, developer of what is now known as "The Gadgetman Groove", a simple modification to a gasoline engine that is proving time and again to increase combustion to unheard of levels.

I caught an NPR affiliate out of Little Rock, AR (KUAR) red-handed at censoring the news. Since you are interested in these overt acts of suppression, I thought it might be of some value to you. Of course, spreading the word will only help to make more people aware of the technology, too!

I invite you to visit my YouTube channel, where the article in question is aired in its entirety. It is located at

Once again, thanks for your attention on this matter.

Ron Hatton

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My favorite movies !!

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  • America Freedom to Fascism
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  • The Secret
  • Farenheit 911
  • Bowling for Columbine
  • The Pursuit of Happiness
  • Peaceful Warrior
  • The Celestine Prophecy
  • What the bleep do we know?