
As per "part 1" of this post, we all know by now that the meeting with the human looking extraterrestrials was not sucessful due to their refusal to engage in technology exchange and their insistence on nuclear disarmament by the US and presumably other major world powers. I n 1953 astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving toward the Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects were spacecrafts, they were "Gray" motherships. The Grays were the beings that the human looking ETs were referring to when they offered President Eisenhower help to get rid of them. When these motherships reached the Earth they took up a very high orbit around the Equator. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. The U.S. Government promptly established contact using the computer binary language, and was able to arrange a landing that resulted in face to face contact with alien beings from another planet. These beings were NOT humans!
What do we know about the Gray extraterrestrials that signed the Treaty? The nature of the Grays, especially the Zeta Reticuli and the short Grays, is that they do not have deep emotional feelings or compassion. They are, in fact, extremely curious about all aspects of existence, highly analytical, technology worshippers, and are devoided of sentimentality. They look at humans much the same way a farmer looks at his cows, as an inferior species.The Grays were not trustworthy: By 1955 it became obvious that the aliens had deceived Eisenhower and had broken the treaty... The U.S. Government got something less than the technology that they had bargained for and found that the abductions exceeded by a million fold than what they had agreed to. The aliens were not submitting any lists of human abductions, and on top of that, not all abductees were being returned. In fact, abductions occur on a daily basis throughout the United States to at least 10% of the population, these unfortunate citizens are taken from the streets and returned 45 minutes to an hour later with their rectums cored out, their genitals removed, eyes removed from the sockets, and completely drained of blood. In all cases it appears that the mutilation procedures occur while the persons are still alive and conscious. American scientists speculate that the "specimens" have to be alive for the samples to be worth anything. Remember folks, the Grays were the alien beings that the benevolent Human Looking extraterrestrials had warned us about during the meeting with President Eisenhower. By associating with regressive alien entities such as the Grays, which are thousands of years ahead of us technologically and have no simpathy or regard for human life, and therefore are able to inflict us great harm, the U.S. Government with its never ending greed for power, surrendered the sovereignty of our planet, and the freedom of its citizens to these beings who see us as merely lab rats for their use in order to improve the condition of their own race. The decision of not listening to our human looking ET friends, whom had only good intentions toward us, was a costly stupid mistake. The Treaty that was signed with the Grays was basically a treaty to enslave the Earth Human race, signed by the U.S Government and these regressive race of gray space aliens. The human race of the planet Earth is now subjected to Gray Control in every possible way, and if you think this is not the case, just think that if the U.S Government (the government of the most powerful nation on Earth) is at their mercy, what does this mean to you as a human being subject to the rules of such government?
Later in 1954 the race of large nosed Gray Aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was reached. This race identified themselves as originating from a planet around a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we called Betelgeuse. They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able to survive there. The meeting at Holloman Air force base in New Mexico has reportedly been the site of subsequent extraterrestrial meetings with the same extraterrestrials who signed the 1954 treaty with the United States Government. The treaty stated that the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on Earth a secret. They would furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development (which was not their true intention). They would not make any treaty with any other Earth nation. They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring of our development (again, NOT their true intention), (that`s right folks, the U.S. Government sold its own people out to some unknown space alien race in exchange for technology), with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, would have no memory of the event, and that the alien nation would furnish the U.S. Government with a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis (which is totally idiotic to think that these aliens would actually do that). Back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the federal government decided to circumvent the Constitution of the United States and form a treaty with alien entities. It was called the 1954 Greada Treaty, which basically made the agreement that the aliens involved could take a few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings, but that they had to give details about the people involved.
This article is just scratching the surface of a huge and dangerous problem that this alliance between the U.S Government and the regressive aliens brought to humankind on Earth. There is a lot more about this subject, there`s an entire hierarchy of alien species, the grays are pretty much on the bottom of the ladder and apparently they are submissive to an even more advanced alien race, the reptilians. The reptilians are known as the warriors of the galaxy, they are fierce looking, they average 7 to 9 feet tall, with muscular bodies and scaly skin that is usually greenish-brown in color, reptilians have either large black eyes with vertical slit pupils or eyes that are white with flame colored vertical slit pupils. Besides having extremely mental powers reptilians also possess highly advanced technology which surpasses ours by millions of years. The Reptilians appear to be very active in controlling human elites, institutions and financial systems; promoting militarism; creating a climate of scarcity, struggle and insecurity; harvesting humans and manipulating Grays and other Reptilian races. Reptilian activities contribute to global problems such as concentrated wealth, corrupt elites and institutions, ethnic/religious violence, human rights abuses, a culture of violence and terrorism, prostitution, the drug trade and organized crime. The Reptilians are deeply infiltrated in the U.S. Secret Government and are probably the ones directly responsible for all the wars and suffering humanity is going through today.
We will talk more about the reptilians in another occasion. The purpose of this post is to expose the chilling truth about extraterrestrial infiltration and the conspiracy to keep humankind in chains, and I hope it gets you thinking about the things that happen around you. I wanted to end this post by pointing out that unless the governments of Earth go through a complete change pretty much in every way, especially in the way they treat its people and our planet, the human race of Earth will not only continue to be slaves submissive to a more advanced race of regressive aliens but also we will probably become extinct due to the wars and destruction of our own planet.
President Eisenhower had been reared as a Jehovah's Witness:
Everything I read about the Greada Treaty is always based on the word of somebody who is either dead, or unable to be verified. To play Devil's advocate for a moment:- Suppose that there is no mystery, there really was a dentist's appointment that President Eisenhower went to . Surely, it would not be outside the realms of possibility that there would also be records of the appointment, when it took place, what the treatment was, how much the bill came to, etc. I agree that all this could have been manufactured after the actual event, and those involved could have been sworn to silence, so I suppose that that does not prove anything! I am aware that this is an old item, but as the forecast date for the official disclosure has now already passed, as have many such dates over the intervening years, it seems unlikely that we as a species will ever find out the truth about what really went on, on that night in February, 1954. What inclines me to the belief that the story is true, is that the government of America, and now a large part of the whole world, are behaving in exactly the way that they would if the story were true.
Eye witness accounts of the meeting:
"President Eisenhower's Secret Meeting with ETs in 1955"
I just went to a truth event on Saturday where Dr. Wayne Haley spoke, and he actually had knowledge of the treaty and worked closely with Presidents. I am finding it hard to wrap my head around all of this, but as for looking for someone who has inside knowledge, I would recommend reading his books.
To the man behind the blog,
For the last five years I have been following all the world event and the secrets that are being withheld by our government. We have been had! 1.2 Trillion dollars missing and unaccounted for every year.62,000 black helicopters, Hundreds of thousands of train cars with mounted shackles,underground bases. What the Hell is going on?? Loved your article and I believe it!~!!
Thank you,
You guess are idiots lol
Gday Mate
This is my first time on your site, and I am seutably impressed. What you say is absoltely true. However, I would love to get my hands on a copy of this :"Contract". Do you know if there is a copy available?
Regards from Australia
We the people. Open your mind and stop being a bunch of sheep. There are what we call alians. Infinity and beyond. You think startreck is impossible? Yes for us we the people. There is a documentary out by scientists of our 2011 military called when alians attack. Watch it.
The military messed up and trusted the malevolent aliens. Now the benevolent ones and the spiritual hierarchy have had to get us out of that mess. I will be SO glad when the world wakes up and realizes the truth about EVERYTHING!
So much stuff i have read backs up this theory, from sumerian texts to the bible. Read 'the way of the shaman' by Michael Harner, master shamans have known about these reptilian entities for eons but choose wisely to ignore them and never interact with them. I once saw what appeared to be a reptilian humanoid for myself whilst inhaling nitrous oxide on magic mushrooms... it was the strangest thing i have ever experienced and i knew pretty much nothing of these reptilians before hand... at first i thought it a weird young child but then i saw he was scaley, had white eyes with slits, grinning with sharp nashing teeth and had what seemed to be a few strands of hair on its head...the hairs reminded me of DNA strands for some reason. my friend said he saw the exact same thing whist on mdma, mushrooms and noz! weird or what? not sure what to believe because everyone i have talked on the subject just thinks i am crazy... i would love to know the truth, i have been searching and searching for answers ever since i saw that freaky reptilian face.
To the person that saw the reptilian face, I believe it, and I think the reason they are the most powerful is that they understand empty space does not exist, everything is one whole of energy and chemicals, this is probably why the hair appeared in such a way. I believe that there history (first time im coming forward with this) is completely illusive, while completely intrusive, possibly a "race" (because it is questionable that they live or die at all) that underwent millennial of chemical alterations and radiation and genetic alterations resulting in something that is no longer organic or inorganic but both at the same time. E= mc2... it says it there, we are all energy. This is probably the reason they do not want our planet to sucumb to nuclear war. To be honest the scariest part is what they really are. Those things you always think exist, your worst fears realized. Drugs tend to lift there cloak, they then use this time to effectively alter you, what your doing and what you will do, we are nothing more then a game to them (the reptillians), the grays are here to be combined with us to help further enhance the reptilians slaves, the greys. How do I know all this you ask? I am part of a Jewish bloodline that has been harassed since the time of the Nazis. I dont even know why I'm saying this, they will use it later to institutionalize me as they have before. They trick you into behaving insane through scare tactics. Once they get you they test medication and force it on you to control your world and how you interact. The fucked up part is, if your a "pure blood line" they try to help you, give you "drugs" that actually work, fix the way you feel and help them. We recieve experimental shit that causes more problems in our blood line to give us more decease so we remain under the control of Doctors and the intellectual.
I'd like to say I know how we can beat them, but even if I tried to start such a movement, I'd be killed brutally and painfully way before I ever got more then 10 people I could REALLY TRUST, and I mean trust...
Id like to add, my family has some connection to the CIA and there security systems they use. My uncle anyway... my dad I believe is involved on some level way more sinister though that has to do with mind games, my mother I beleive died giving birth to a genetically altered embryo (which suffered problems and killed my mother of whom this jewish line comes from).
The reason I was even able to catch wind of this was because I am part of the ongoing "pure human" bloodline Hybrid Genetic line that is trying to create the purfect Human specimen possible with every possible genetic combination avalible whilst keeping only the "pure" offspring, and systematically eliminating the "Muts" used for genetic enhancement. Unfortunately I am a partial mut therefore expendible. How do I know this, because of the alarming number of women that tried to get with me in these wards I was in. The abuse that went on there, and the drug abuse, and violence. This race is Savage and does not care about anything other than racial development and purification through any means necessary. Then again, this could be the reason they were able to find us.
I hope they don't kill me, I want to leave (US) but I know they will try to throw me in prison upon leaving because they know I am capable of technological break-through logical understandings of the universe if I was given correct scholarly information. (Not the bullshit the public gets fed to make them go running after fortunes). They are masters of the mind and meditation, and masters of the phsyche. Best ways to identify these people, they lie, a lot, but they won't back down AT ALL from there lie, they are so good at it, they have full control over there own minds reactions to questioning.
Check back here in the coming year or so... if I do not leave a post signed 7777777 then I am no longer alive or they got to me...
It should be noted as a warning to anyone in the US that wishes to do something or break free from these people, do not under any circumstance make your "political" standpoints public, remain completely nuetral in everything, agree with violence and go along with there fun they have of being cold individuals. We have to learn to think and act like them if we ever wish to beat them. See, sometimes being too smart can be bad as you are blind to see things that are already known but could be different. This is why they want us in our un-altered state still, to steal our "scientifically-unbiased" (in there eyes anyway) ideas that they would never come up with because there science is too far along and they are too genetically complex for it. This is mostly speculation though. A good example is how they used america for this study... u think its a coincidence most of all the other nations are smarter then us? Were here so they can see what a normal human would do in reaction to the knowledge of such a threat of morality to the world. The emrgence of corruption of government and gangs and gangs working together is how they are trying to control us... It should be noted they control everything, health care, police, CIA, FBI, upper government, in every single situation where a human interaction takes place, they are watching you.
The abuse of schitzophrenics is common place because they are the ones most likely able to reveal them because of there strong attention to detail and extreme sense of extra-technological threats. (Labeled a mental decease, they are actually an early genetic mutation of our physchic ability to sense threats and danger) The problem is in some they currently cannot control there ability and they act irrationally and get thrown in mental institutions. Most of the time though with the help of these Greys and Retillians, they know what we are going through and know exactly how to push our sensitive buttons in this stage of evolution, not to mention they control all the laws government and how these people get treated. (You basically get fuken taken away and injected with w/e they want if you refuse medication) They use hypnosis and many other things...
Again all speculation, which could label me schitzophrenic, but tbh, thats a good thing. Especially with what they've done to me, im amazed ive kept a level head this long without ending up perminately locked up or in jail. The problem is they determine what sane behavior is.
Crimes: Every single one under the sun, they do exactly the opposite of what they gave us on how to live our lives, all the holy scriptures, they do exactly the opposite to benefit from us.
As hard as it is to give credence to views expressed with such horrible spelling and grammar, I have to say you are closer to the truth than you may believe.
Negro aliens are scary!
This is a nonsense story - why would aliens want or need a treaty - they could do what they want and we could do nothing to stop them. Indeed, the authors acknowledge this when they say "we have been had" and millions of humans are taken every year. What good does a treaty do them? Why would they care?
And why in these crackpot theories do we not hear the reasons behind this big secret? Why would they keep this information from us? Because we might panic - that's a joke! The US government has spent considerable time and money manufacturing enemies to justify more and more military spending - why would they turn their backs on the ultimate enemy scare tactic?
I know aliens visiting earth is exciting and romantic, but get a grip people. Something didn't happen just because you really really want it to.
If you would research at least a little bit and at least think about all the details you would maybe be able to comprehend this subject. Think logically, and you should take your own advice btw but in this case, just because you believe things aren't happening it doesnt mean they arent. Use logistics and common sense shit
Could these evil aliens is what the bible call demons? Hmmmm
You are close. Some aspects of your report is indeed correct, and some things are not.
Greys have given us some technology, but they were novelty type gizmos, and not truly game changer type tech; toys would be an appropriate description. We were however able to deconstruct and examine the science behind these objects and Implement them into our technology very quickly, and to much surprise of the greys. That now has stopped due to our ability to understand and adapt use of their Technology, even from insignificant type gadgets.
The greys are in engineered creature, specifically designed for infiltration and information gathering. They're intended operational environment is space, which is why they have very skinny arms and legs and very big eyes- since they do not need to overcome very much gravity and the low light conditions of space. A lot of their experimentation has been focused around reproductive organs, because as engineered creatures they do not have any, and since they have become independent- they are trying to find a way to reproduce their species without Laboratory or medical equipment.
We are certainly aware of how risky, and wrong we were to try and deal with these creatures. ever since they broke our treaty conditions, we have been trying to find a way to manage the ever-growing problem they are becoming. The reason why we can't tell people about their existence and presence on Earth is for everyone's safety- because if they were to be known publicly, and factually of their presence, they would become hostile.
I would love to tell you everything, and I would love to show proof positive of everything I say, but I cannot jeopardize my security clearance. Any statements made can only strictly remain in a state of plausible deniability. But I will tell you there is enough physical evidence available to everyone for you to understand everything, and the depth of this problem... much of the 20th century was a result, directly or indirectly, of the Greys presence.
So how come the "nice aliens" haven't returned in over 60 years ? One would think that they would be all "we told ya so" !!
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