Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Almighty Medical Establishment

This one is a handfull!!! It`s so messed up I dont know where to start...I promise I will be as objective as possible though. Anyway, maybe a should start by asking questions... Do you actually believe that the medical establishment`s main goal is to cure people from the various diseases that afflict humanity? Do you really believe that every hospital and medical doctor`s mission is to heal disease afflicted people and promote health? If you do, you are deadly wrong. The medical establishment is a BUSINESS like any other, and like all business, it needs a constant flow of customers to make MONEY and be successful. Now I ask you, how would they manage to keep this steady flow of faithfull customers coming back ? Obviously the answer is, by keeping you sick and dependent on prescription drugs for life!! We`ll talk about pharmaceutical companies and how they operate in detail at a later date.

I dont know how healthy most of you are, but the next time you need to go see a doctor, try to look at the whole scenario with, what I call, the eye of the observer, then you`re going to start getting the picture of how this whole thing works and how it is all interconnected, and by that I mean, the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies multibillion dollar business. If you try to break it down you would come up with something like this : You feel sick, you go to the doctor (who receives cash incentives in the thousands of dollars from the pharmaceutical companies to prescribe their drugs), the doctor then prescribes to you whatever drug that you think is going to cure you (which is totally the other way around, the drug will make you even sicker than before), when, in fact, the drug is only going to "alleviate" your pain, keep in mind folks, alleviate does not mean CURE, it will make whatever you`re felling more bearable. Later, when you get sick again because of the side-effects of the first drug you took, you go back to the doctor`s office, the doctor will examine you and he`ll come up with whatever diagnosis, for which he already has a miracle drug to treat you, and then the whole cycle repeats itself all over again. Remember, they need their "customers" to keep coming back, that`s how a business thrives.

We all know that mainstream medicine is not cutting it when it comes to curing diseases. For example, they have been researching for a cancer cure for well over one hundred years, so far they have come up with nothing. We do have expensive treatments available at your local hospital, that besides costing you a fortune it will also cause you a variety of other health problems, not to mention that success is definitely not garanteed. When people decide to use alternative treatments for their health problems such as natural herbs, for example, they are literally almost ridiculed and promptly discouraged by their doctors. Doctors are indoctrinated to use the principle adopted by the FDA that, without having any scientific or research background, affirms that "only drugs can cure diseases", needless to say that this statement is totally ridiculous to say the least. By the way folks, the Food & Drug Administration has got to be among the top federal agencies in this country when it comes to corruption, it might lose only to the CIA. We will talk about these fat cats at another time.

For the sake of keeping this post as short as possible, I would like to finish this post by leaving you with one message. Please, if you or a loved one have a health problem, dont EVER let a doctor tell you that you have to "live with it", search for alternative methods of healing yourself, alternative ways of curing whatever it is that`s causing you to be sick. Medical doctors and hospitals are in for the $$money$$. Take responsability for your well being, eat only healthy natural organic foods and please stay off of all non-prescription and prescription drugs, an aspirin a day can kill you; do not listen to the fat cats from the pharmaceutical corporations and their fake adds on TV. Phamaceutical companies are now "inventing" new diseases so that they can come up with a new drug for them to sell it you. Remember, it is all about the money and they want you to stay as sick as can be for life, that`s how they run their multi-billion dollar business and fatten their pockets, all at the cost of your health. Stay healthy !!

Love & light


Anonymous said...

I agree the medical establishment as a whole is very corrupt. I beleive there are some well intended doctors who get caught up in the system of deciet.
Most of our illnesses are caused by us, our mind and can be cured by ourselves. There is documented cases over and over again of people who changed their mental state and cured their own disease. I also do not trust doctors for the most part. They are needed, there are wonderful things that doctors do to save lifes in an emergency and my hats off to them.

The man behind the blog said...

I agree that MD`s are needed and welcome to use their training in cases of fixing broken things like bones, cuts, traumas, wounds caused by gun shots, stabs etc. I, like you Mark, also believe in the power of mind to heal the human body in cases such as cancer and degenerative diseases. The post was intended to alert people of the business aspect of the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical corporations.

Gui Fx said...

Congratulations about your blog. It's beautiful, informative and inteligent. The post about Medical Establishment is very good.
Peace for you two. And... sorry about my learning English.

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  • The Gods of Eden
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  • Natural Cures "They dont want you to know about"

My favorite movies !!

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  • America Freedom to Fascism
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  • Sicko
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  • Farenheit 911
  • Bowling for Columbine
  • The Pursuit of Happiness
  • Peaceful Warrior
  • The Celestine Prophecy
  • What the bleep do we know?