Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Almighty Medical Establishment - Addendum

Physicians: The Pharmaceutical Patsies

As admiring as I am of the ancient wisdom of Eastern medicine, I do not want to bash Western doctors who prescribe massive quantities of drugs that contribute to the health profession`s lethality. Medical doctors are caught between an intellectual rock and a corporate hard place; they are pawns in the huge medical industrial complex. Their healing abilities are hobbled by an archaic medical education founded on a Newtonian, matter-only Universe. Unfortunately, that philosophy went out of vogue seventy-five years ago, when physicists officially adopted quantum mechanics and recognized that the Universe is actually made out of energy.

In their postgraduate years, those same doctors receive their continuing education about pharmaceutical products from drug reps, the errand boys of the corporate healthcare industry. Essentially, these non-professionals, whose primary goal is to sell product (drugs), provide doctors with "information" about the efficacy of new drugs. Drug companies freely offer this "education" so they can persuade doctors to "push" their products (drugs). It is evident that the massive quantities of drugs prescribed in this country violate the Hippocratic oath taken by all doctors to "First do no harm." We have been programmed by pharmaceutical corporations to become a nation of prescription drug-popping junkies with tragic results. We need to step back and incorporate the discoveries of quantum physics into biomedicine so that we can create a new, safer system of medicine that is attuned to the laws of Nature. ( "Biology of Belief" by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Almighty Medical Establishment

This one is a handfull!!! It`s so messed up I dont know where to start...I promise I will be as objective as possible though. Anyway, maybe a should start by asking questions... Do you actually believe that the medical establishment`s main goal is to cure people from the various diseases that afflict humanity? Do you really believe that every hospital and medical doctor`s mission is to heal disease afflicted people and promote health? If you do, you are deadly wrong. The medical establishment is a BUSINESS like any other, and like all business, it needs a constant flow of customers to make MONEY and be successful. Now I ask you, how would they manage to keep this steady flow of faithfull customers coming back ? Obviously the answer is, by keeping you sick and dependent on prescription drugs for life!! We`ll talk about pharmaceutical companies and how they operate in detail at a later date.

I dont know how healthy most of you are, but the next time you need to go see a doctor, try to look at the whole scenario with, what I call, the eye of the observer, then you`re going to start getting the picture of how this whole thing works and how it is all interconnected, and by that I mean, the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies multibillion dollar business. If you try to break it down you would come up with something like this : You feel sick, you go to the doctor (who receives cash incentives in the thousands of dollars from the pharmaceutical companies to prescribe their drugs), the doctor then prescribes to you whatever drug that you think is going to cure you (which is totally the other way around, the drug will make you even sicker than before), when, in fact, the drug is only going to "alleviate" your pain, keep in mind folks, alleviate does not mean CURE, it will make whatever you`re felling more bearable. Later, when you get sick again because of the side-effects of the first drug you took, you go back to the doctor`s office, the doctor will examine you and he`ll come up with whatever diagnosis, for which he already has a miracle drug to treat you, and then the whole cycle repeats itself all over again. Remember, they need their "customers" to keep coming back, that`s how a business thrives.

We all know that mainstream medicine is not cutting it when it comes to curing diseases. For example, they have been researching for a cancer cure for well over one hundred years, so far they have come up with nothing. We do have expensive treatments available at your local hospital, that besides costing you a fortune it will also cause you a variety of other health problems, not to mention that success is definitely not garanteed. When people decide to use alternative treatments for their health problems such as natural herbs, for example, they are literally almost ridiculed and promptly discouraged by their doctors. Doctors are indoctrinated to use the principle adopted by the FDA that, without having any scientific or research background, affirms that "only drugs can cure diseases", needless to say that this statement is totally ridiculous to say the least. By the way folks, the Food & Drug Administration has got to be among the top federal agencies in this country when it comes to corruption, it might lose only to the CIA. We will talk about these fat cats at another time.

For the sake of keeping this post as short as possible, I would like to finish this post by leaving you with one message. Please, if you or a loved one have a health problem, dont EVER let a doctor tell you that you have to "live with it", search for alternative methods of healing yourself, alternative ways of curing whatever it is that`s causing you to be sick. Medical doctors and hospitals are in for the $$money$$. Take responsability for your well being, eat only healthy natural organic foods and please stay off of all non-prescription and prescription drugs, an aspirin a day can kill you; do not listen to the fat cats from the pharmaceutical corporations and their fake adds on TV. Phamaceutical companies are now "inventing" new diseases so that they can come up with a new drug for them to sell it you. Remember, it is all about the money and they want you to stay as sick as can be for life, that`s how they run their multi-billion dollar business and fatten their pockets, all at the cost of your health. Stay healthy !!

Love & light

Friday, April 13, 2007

Suppression of technology and the holding back of Humanity

Sixteen years before the turn of the 20th century (circa 1884), a croatian immigrant named Nikola Tesla arrived in America. A brilliant inventor and scientist, Tesla set out to pursue his dreams of developing many projects he had in his mind, most of them involving electricity. In order to make a long story short, I will move ahead to mention Tesla`s main inventions. Among his many accomplishments, Nikola Tesla is known for developing the Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, and it is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment. His alternating current induction motor is considered one of the ten greatest discoveries of all time. Tesla also discovered the fluorescent light, laser beam (including concepts for weapons), wireless communications, wireless transmission of electrical energy, remote control, robotics, and believe it or not, anti-gravity propulsion systems` concepts. He registered over 700 patents of his inventions worldwide.
Nikola Tesla, by the 1920`s, had figured out a way to provide "free energy" to the world, extracting it from the earth`s own ionosphere using a technology he invented; but little did he know that wonderful discovery was going to be the cause of his own demise. Because of the "free energy" discovery, Tesla started to be seen by many as a threat to the United States economy, especially the big corporations (e.g Westinhouse and General Eletric) that controlled the energy industry at the time, the idea of free energy was flat out frightening for these "energy lords". Many sponsors and investors started pulling money out of Tesla`s projects (e.g. the Tesla`s transmission Tower and power plant) bring them to a complete halt. Humiliated and defeated, Tesla experienced a complete nervous breakdown. "It is not a dream," he protested. "It is a simple feat of scientific electrical engineering, only expensive... blind, faint-hearted, doubting world."
Years later, a man named Otis Carr, Tesla`s protege`, picked up one of Tesla`s project and started working on some of the anti-gravity principles developed by Tesla years before. Otis begin to develop an Apparatus For Aerial Transportation. This brilliantly designed flying machine resembled both a helicopter and an airplane, but had no wings, blades nor motor. According to the inventor, the device would weigh eight-hundred pounds. It would rise from a garage, a roof, or a window as desired, and would sell at $1,000 for both military and consumer users. Otis had already built a prototype and had done some short distance flight tests, this was an anti-gravity flying machine that was able to cover considerable distances in a very short period of time. Next on Otis` mind was a trip to the moon and back, but before he could do such an experiment, the FBI went to Carr`s wharehouse and confiscated literally everything related to the flying machine project, and just like Tesla, he was informed by one of the agents that he along with his invention was a threat to the monetary system of the United States of America. It blows my mind when I think of what a power-hungry money-driven government can do to people who are just trying to use their inventions to improve mankind`s way of life.

After this long story about Nikola Tesla and Otis Carr, I finally reached the part where I can make my point. Had the United States publicly embraced Tesla`s revolutionary inventions (e.g. Free energy) we would be probably living in a totally different world today. Our environment for one would be totally unharmed and pollution free, the air we breathe would be way cleaner, we would have no wars because of oil, the vibrational frequency of the planet earth would be elevated and so would ours, enabling us to increase our consciousness levels way higher than we are today. Regular people like you and me would be able to fly in outter space, using our own flying vehicles, experiencing for ourselves the magnitude of the universe, therefore increasing our awareness of self and purpose, unleashing incredible potential for growth and evolvement. Everything in our world and in the universe, is interconnected, when you act in ways that prevent a being from evolving you are in direct violation of universal laws, and that is a crime of universal proportions. You can rest assured that sooner or later the violators of the laws of the universe will be held accountable.
(This post is dedicated to the Great Nikola Tesla, "the Genius that lit the world").

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What are we going to be talking about?

Hi all,
Just wanted to give you an idea of the exciting topics we`ll be talking about here in our space. First of all, I do not have a list of priorities, and each topic will come up according to what my inspiration is at the time.
I can only antecipate that we will be addressing issues such as : Destruction of our planet by human insanity, overpopulation, Extraterrestrial inteligence, corruption of governments and their hidden agendas, religions and how they mislead their followers from their true-self, and my favourite : "how Earth was invaded, manipulated, dominated and we terrans did not even feel it happening"... Like I said, this is going to be an exciting place for all of us to exchange ideas, thoughts and suggestions. If we can get 10% of the world population to say that they are not going to take it anymore, that is all it takes for us to change this place and start living like Creation intended us to.

By the way, unless you think that disease, hunger, money, poverty, murder, and crime are just normal things that happen in the life of a "civilized society", folks you will be glad you found yourself involved in the Awareness Project.

Peace & Light

What is the "Awareness Project" all about ?

Hi all,

Welcome to the Awareness Project, I`m really happy you made it here. You`re probably wondering what the heck is going on and why you even felt compelled to visit this blog. Well, I have good news for you !! You are about to embark on a journey that will transform your life and will open several doors to information, universal knowledge, consciousness and total awareness of who you are, where you came from, and what is your purpose here on Earth. You will look at life in a totally different way.

Here at the Awareness Project we will be talking about real issues that affect our society, our world, the way we live, and why 99.9% of the human population of the Planet Earth live such miserable lives and are totally clueless to what really is going on. The goal of our project is to reverse this condition through knowledge, development of awareness and consciousness through the dissimination of information that has been hidden from the people, by governments, the Church and major corporations, should I add, with the solely intent to keep humanity out of the loop.

The goal of the Awareness Project might be considered an impossible one to attain, and many people may feel discouraged when they thing about how big our world is and the size of our population (6 billion and going strong). We are not trying to change the world overnight, in fact, if we can get you thinking, this itself will be considered a major victory, and it will make the time devoted to the project worthwhile.
I know some of the things we`ll be talking about here might sound outrageous or be a little bit challenging to your thinking patterns and beliefs, but if you keep an open mind and be receptive to new concepts and ideas, I am sure you will enjoy it. Please, come back and see us again, we will be posting the first topic for discussion shortly. See you soon !! :-)


My favorite books !!

  • Body Mind Balancing (by Osho)
  • The Gods of Eden
  • The Biology of Belief
  • And Still They Fly
  • The Pleiadian Mission
  • Defending Sacred Ground
  • The Invitation
  • Way of the Peaceful Warrior
  • The Gaya Project 2012
  • Natural Cures "They dont want you to know about"

My favorite movies !!

  • The Obama Deception
  • America Freedom to Fascism
  • Zeitgeist The Movie
  • Sicko
  • The Secret
  • Farenheit 911
  • Bowling for Columbine
  • The Pursuit of Happiness
  • Peaceful Warrior
  • The Celestine Prophecy
  • What the bleep do we know?