Monday, May 28, 2007

The 1954 Meeting of American President Dwight Eisenhower with a Race of Human Looking Extraterrestrials - Part 1

In 1954, during the presidency term of President Dwight Eisenhower, a historical and yet highly covered up extraordinary event took place at Edwards Air Force Base (previous Muroc Airfield) in California. President Eisenhower met with a delegation of a human-looking extraterrestrial race, also dubbed as "The Nordics", due to their strong resemblance with the people from the Nordic countries of Earth. They were described as being tall (around 7ft), blond haired and blue eyed, with extremely athletic bodies. This event is possibly the most significant that any American President could have conducted: a ‘First Contact’ meeting with extraterrestrials at Edwards Air Force base, and the beginning of a series of meetings with different extraterrestrial races that led to a ‘treaty’ that was eventually signed changing the course of humanity for the worse.

Besides President Eisenhower, several other officials were present during this meeting. Dr Edwin Nourse (1883-1974) was the first chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors to the President (1944-1953) and was President Truman’s chief economic advisor. Nourse officially retired to private life in 1953 and would certainly have been a good choice of someone who could give confidential economic advise to the Eisenhower administration. Dr Nourse was present at this meeting, he did so in order to provide his expertise on the possible economic impact of First Contact with extraterrestrials. Another individual present was Bishop MacIntyre. Cardinal James Francis MacIntyre was the bishop and head of the Catholic Church in Los Angeles (1948-1970) and was an important gauge for the possible reaction from religious leaders generally, and in particular from the most influential and powerful religious institution on the planet – the Roman Catholic Church. In particular, Cardinal MacIntyre would have been a good choice as a representative for the Vatican since he was appointed the first Cardinal of the Western United States by Pope Pius XII in 1952. All Cardinal MacIntyre’s correspondence is closed to researchers thus making it impossible to confirm what impact the visit to Muroc had on him and what he communicated to other church leaders and the Vatican. Cardinal MacIntyre had sufficient rank and authority to represent the Catholic Church and the religious community in a delegation of community leaders. Another attendant of this meeting was Franklin Winthrop Allen, a former reporter with the Hearst Newspapers Group. Allen was 80 years old at the time, author of a book instructing reporters on how to deal with Congressional Committee Hearings, and he was a good choice for a member of the press who could maintain confidentiality.

There were more than one meeting with different races of extraterrestrials and the U.S. government that took place, but in this particular post we are going to talk about the meeting with the human looking ET`s dubbed the "Nordics". The significant point about this meeting was that the human ET`s did not want to engage in technology exchange (what could we possibly have offered them to begin with?!? since these beings are believed to be millions of years ahead of us technologically and spiritually), instead they wanted to help us with our spiritual development and maturity as human beings, in exchange for that they demanded that all nuclear weapons were to be dismantled. They also offered us help in dealing with the regressive aliens that were orbiting the Equator region at the time. Another reason for the nordics not to agree in "technology exchange" was, according to them, we were not mature enough to deal with the kind of technology they had and we would probably use it to create more weapons and basically destroy ourselves and the planet. This race stated that, we were on a path of self destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the Earth, stop raping the Earth's natural resources, and that we should learn to live in harmony (good luck with that).

Obviously, President Eisenhower did not agree with what the human-looking ET`s were asking, although there was a great deal of conflict amongst some of the other officials, some actually thought it would be a good idea to comply with the ET`s and start a new way of life here (remember this was back in the 50`s), the final word was not to comply since the ETs did not want to exchange technology. Well, it turns out this group of human extraterrestrials, realizing that they were dealing with semi-intelligent creatures (US government), they thanked the officials for their time, boarded their awesome spacecrafts and went away, never to attempt another contact again. Later on, there was actually an attempt by the US government to establish another contact with these beings, this second contact was cleverly called off by the extraterrestrials once they picked up a thinking pattern signal, using their highly advanced unmanned crafts, that described a plot being organized, by the Americans, to stage another meeting and once the ETs landed they were to be killed and their spacecraft taken away for back engineering purposes. One interesting fact worth mentioning here is that this meeting with President Eisenhower and the extraterrestrials was FILMED!!! Another curious incident was the fact that the electricity powered cameras did NOT work in the presence of the extraterrestrials, maybe due to the high state of energy and vibrational frequency that these beings seem to emanate all the time. The camera operators had to actually use manual cameras at the time in order to capture the footage. Another noticeable aspect of these beings was the fact that they seemed to be talking amongst themselves TELEPATHICALLY while the meeting was going on with the "Terrans". I can only imagine how the usually arrogant American Officials must have felt (probably like the scum of the Universe) in the presence of such awesome beings. As for the whereabouts of the footage, it is probably being kept in a safety box somewhere underground in one of the several government underground facilities throughout the United States territory; needless to say, the general public will NEVER see this footage, courtesy of your United States government.
One could only wonder as to where humanity would have been today had the outcome of that meeting with the "Nordics" been different. As these beings watched us as we gained spiritual knowledge, responsibility and maturity, I am sure that they would start teaching us about their advanced technology, and it would be just a matter of time for the rewards for being responsible intelligent creatures to begin to flow. The benefits of having our star brothers helping us become better humans are just too many to describe here, but the greedy, power hungry, spiritually primitive Earth Humans will never understand that, for their quest for power and world domination makes them blind and literally in chains, slaves of their own actions. One thing is for sure though, we would be living in a totally different type of society today if the world leaders had made the right choice. We would be living in a world where hunger, disease, war, greed, jealousy and all of the other negative primitive feelings that haunt us today would simply be a thing of the past.
Please stay tuned for Part 2, coming up soon..

Thursday, May 24, 2007

And the Earth Human Insanity goes on....

Folks, I have to tell you, this post wasn`t even supposed to be here, I had another topic to talk about but I had to change my plans and leave that topic for another time. This morning I came across some news that just made me want to vomit. I have to confess that I usually do not get angry and I live a pretty stress free life for the most part, but when I read this amazing piece on the news I got a little upset. A 60 year old woman from New Jersey, named Frieda Birnbaum, gave birth to "twins" (boys) and is proudly announcing that she wants to be a role model for other women!?!? As if we already didnt have enough people on this planet to feed and deal with, now we have old unfit women giving birth, with the help of artificial fertilization, which should be totally prohibited for old women (trying to compensate for whatever existential issues and incompletion they have in their lives ) using unfit pregnancies to make statements. Besides being an extremely act of selfishness on this individual`s part, it is also tremendously inconsiderate to the planet Earth which is struggling to accommodate the excess 6.5 billion people living on Earth at the moment. In a planet (Earth) where the maximum population capacity should be around 500 million people, 6.5 billion people is way too much and it is causing the deterioration of our eco-system, food and water supplies, quality of life and all kinds of detrimental problems to the environment.
It makes me wonder what the government plans to do in order to deal with the overpopulation problem, so far it seems not to be a concern on their part. In the past, they actually tried to controll it with the creation of the HIV virus in the late 70`s, they thought it would take care of the excess population problem when they disseminated the virus disguised in hepatitis C vaccines, with the help of our own W.H.O (World Health Organization) in Africa... Needless to say that was a very stupid decision made by very stupid leaders, and we all know how that story turned out. I think if the government made it law not to allow artificial fertilization procedure to be performed in elderly women it would be a great start, I don't know, maybe set up an age limit for such procedure ?
What world leaders have to realize is that all the problems that our society faces today can be literally traced back to the overpopulation problem, think about it... Governments should make this issue a priority, if we are to have any chances of a better future. The way it looks right now, it seems that nobody is concerned and Earth society`s future is gloomy. I have been wanting to talk about the overpopulation problem and its impact on us for a long time, today when I saw the news about this 60 year old woman giving birth I knew I had to get it out of my chest and at least start saying something. It is ridiculous that procedures like these are allowed to happen, what is it going to be like for these children, mothered by 65 + year old women, growing up? What is the mother going to say when her 10 year old asks her to play with him in the yard? Wait son, let me get my cruches so that I can chase you around more easily, or " I cant son, my hips are acting up today..." That is not what a kid expects to hear from their moms, period. I mean, it`s nonsense, it`s selfish and it`s flat out INSANE.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

THANK YOU Michael Moore !!

Hi folks !! I am here to extend a million Thanks to Mr. Michael Moore for the wonderful work he has been doing, as a filmmaker and as a human being, to help remove the veil from american society`s face so that everybody can see who the really "evil doers" are. In one of Michael Moore`s outstanding documentary work entitled "Bowling for Columbine", which describes the gun problem in the United States along America`s bloody history of violence and wars, Mr. Moore interviews a father of a victim of the Columbine massacre, and he asks the father what is it about America that causes people to go on these killing sprees and why americans love to kill. The father of the boy, who was shot in the face and killed on the spot by one of the Columbine killers, did not know how to answer the question.
I think I have something that might shed some light into the mistery of Mr. Moore`s question. Based on this quote that says : "War is the institutionalization of criminality. War can never bring about spiritual improvement because criminality is one of the main causes of mental and spiritual deterioration..." According to this quote we can safely conclude that : Societies which exalt criminal actions as a noble quest (Bush Administration mentality) will suffer a rapid deterioration in the mental and spiritual condition of their inhabitants, making violence a direct byproduct of such deterioration. I think that might help explain why the U.S gun related murder rate (around 11,000 per year) is so high compared to other developed countries.

Thanks again to Michael Moore for the great work on the documentaries, I cannot wait to watch "Sicko" a film about the U.S Health Care system, coming June 29th.

My favorite books !!

  • Body Mind Balancing (by Osho)
  • The Gods of Eden
  • The Biology of Belief
  • And Still They Fly
  • The Pleiadian Mission
  • Defending Sacred Ground
  • The Invitation
  • Way of the Peaceful Warrior
  • The Gaya Project 2012
  • Natural Cures "They dont want you to know about"

My favorite movies !!

  • The Obama Deception
  • America Freedom to Fascism
  • Zeitgeist The Movie
  • Sicko
  • The Secret
  • Farenheit 911
  • Bowling for Columbine
  • The Pursuit of Happiness
  • Peaceful Warrior
  • The Celestine Prophecy
  • What the bleep do we know?